Paris Petals 16x20

Desert Spring 48x36

Dancing Petals 30x40

Pretty Petals 24x24

Stormy Southbay 36x24

Ocean View At Redondo 48x30

Promised Land 36x48

Dancing Petals 30x36

Lovely Lily Pad 40x50

The Woman 48x60

At First Blush 24 X 30

Malibu Beach 48x48

Coastal Trees 16x20

Day Dreaming 36x48

The Temptress 48x48

Spring Break 24 X 24

Tapestry Trees 30x30

Pantone Petals16x20

Zuma Beach Dream 48x48

Noirs Et Blancs 36x36

Dijon Delight 60x60

Hermosa Beach Sunset 36x36

Solar Carnival 24x48

Serenity 48x30

Dreamy Blues 1 24x36

Dreamy Blues 2 24x36

Bountiful Beauties 48x60

Happy Hour 36x36

Mishegas 48x48

Green With Envy 36x36

Sunburst 24x30

Adventure In Time 24x30

Night Spider 48x48

Spring 48x60

African Forest 19x28

Ivory & Ebony 20x20

Ebony & Ivory 20x20

Serenade 72x48

Sherbet Sunset 19x28

The City That Never Sleeps #1 24x24

The City That Never Sleeps #2 24x24

Seismic Sea 24x24

Elation 24x24

A Tree Is Born 24x30

April Showers Bring May Flowers 18x24

Treesome 30x40

Deep Waters 24x24

The Bay 24x30

Sunflower Field 36x36

Solitude 24x30

Figuratively Speaking 24x24

Petals And Passion 36x48

Journey 24x36

Independence Day Sunset 48x48

Idaho Spring 16x20

Gods Varnish 30x40

Enchanting Moment 36x36

Carmel By The Sea 36x36

Blooming Blooms 24x30

Autumn Shores2 30 X 30

Autumn Shores1 30 X 30

Beauty In A Day 19x28

Broken Fan 40x60

Buena Karma 48x60

Desert Dream 36x36

Dijon Day 48x48

Dream Forest 20x20

Ethereal Angel 18x24

Fantasy Forest 20x24

Flamboyant Poppies 30x48

Flowerpower 19x28

Forest Frost 36x48

Grand Canyon Sky 36x36

Holiday Angel 48x60

Illumination 24x36

Kings Forest 24x36

Midnight Moment 48x48

Mind Free 36x36

Poppy Field Valley 36x36

Red Tree 18x24

Reflection 19x28

Sunlit Dreams 36x48

Teal Tree 36x48

The Great Dames 72x48

Unbroken Heart 36x48

Windowbox Joy 60x60

Woman In The Blue Dress 48x60